
Nonviolent Communication with Nanette Sullano

Learning to communicate through a lens of nonviolence and from a heart centered space, is a powerful process that allows us to rewire our brain. The intention is to practice and sustain a loving connection with ourselves and others. Whether you choose to learn individually (one-on-one) or over a 6-week group course, each participant will learn to strengthen their intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships through gaining tools to help build on thoughts, words, and actions that are motivated by love, compassion, and empathy – rather than fear, guilt, anger, or shame. Learning the fundamental language of nonviolent communication allows us to navigate our stories that have caused harm to the mind, body, heart, or spirit and transform them by taking personal responsibility for the choices we make, gaining emotional cognizance, and developing healthy strategies to get our needs met.

Schedule a Nonviolent Communication session with Nanette Sullano

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Nonviolent Communication with Nanette Sullano

Learning to communicate through a lens of nonviolence and from a heart centered space, is a powerful process that allows us to rewire our brain. The intention is to practice and sustain a loving connection with ourselves and others. Whether you choose to learn individually (one-on-one) or over a 6-week group course, each participant will learn to strengthen their intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships through gaining tools to help build on thoughts, words, and actions that are motivated by love, compassion, and empathy – rather than fear, guilt, anger, or shame. Learning the fundamental language of nonviolent communication allows us to navigate our stories that have caused harm to the mind, body, heart, or spirit and transform them by taking personal responsibility for the choices we make, gaining emotional cognizance, and developing healthy strategies to get our needs met.

Schedule a Nonviolent Communication session with Nanette Sullano

Select the button below to find a time for your session.

Nanette Sullano


Nanette Sullano is a Heart Guide; she is a teacher and practitioner of nonviolent communication, an empathic and compassionate language of the heart. Becoming a parent led her to learning this modality, to break the cycle of generational and personal trauma from adverse childhood experiences. Nonviolent communication provided tools to reparent herself, allowing Nanette to heal her own heart and truly experience unconditional love, and bring her more connection to her biological family, and experience greater joy with her chosen family. Nanette is on a journey to open more hearts, to help raise consciousness for greater healing. In addition to sharing the teachings of nonviolent communication, Nanette is currently studying to become an Integrative Psychedelic Therapist.

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